• 22 251 798
  • Avenue du 14 janvier 2011.2016 Carthage Byrsa.
  • Mon-fri: 8am - 7pm

Who we are ?

Who we are ?
Since 2012, I.C.I Group has been the only non-profit association in Tunisia exclusively dedicated to
exporting and to international development.
It also ceaselesly works to help companies and small businesses to better understand the way in
which competitiveness and innovation shapes our lives and how to take this into account in
Our mission :
The mission of I.C.I Group consists on helping and serving novice exporters by providing them
professional expertise and appropriate business knowledge in exporting and in international
Aim and objectives of I.C.I. Group :
Aim :
• Promoting progress and achievement of companies and small businesses through best
practice in order that they cape the challenges that exporting and international development
Objectives :
• Promoting the exchange of views and business knowledges through meetings, conferences,
Website and Weblog which encourage debate ;
• Publishing articles and posts which provide an opportunity to share thoughts and ideas ;
• Helping novice exporters in achieving their objectives associated with exporting and
international development.